“Why have we been opening a major in Environmental Studies every year for more than 20 years? Because we believe that nature, landscape and the environment matter. We are doing everything we can to ensure that our field of study will bring more and more educated, skilled and open-minded people in the Czech Republic and Slovakia who are ready to promote environmental solutions in various fields: in public administration and politics, in non-profit organisations, in business, in education and in research.”
doc. Mgr. Karel Stibral, Ph.D.
What are the key topics in our field
- Environmental sustainability
- Environmental challenges and threats
- Climate change
- Environmental crisis from a sociological perspective
- The city and public space
- Energy
- Economic alternatives
- Ethics and aesthetics in relation to nature
- Environmental history
- Education, training and awareness
- Public administration and non-profit sector
- Wilderness
- Biodiversity conservation
- Globalisation and localisation
- Voluntary frugality
- Rural life
- The psychology of the relationship with nature and the environment
- Communicating nature conservation and the environment to the public
- Landscape ecology and landscape management
- Activism and environmental movements
For a better idea of what you can study with us, you can also watch VIDEO of student presentations of final master theses. The presentations were made in the course Working with Professional Text, in which students had to prepare a 3-minute presentation (elevator speech) using the SUCCESS principle ("Made to stick", Dan and Chip Heath).
Do you know how much...?
hours of work experience as part of their studies to help students find a job in the future
95 %
of our graduates find successful jobs after school
minutes or less from the faculty to beautiful nature, such as Stránská skála, Mariánské údolí, the "Prigl" dam or the Pekárna Nature Park
more than 35
elective courses - would you prefer social science or science, vocational or practical? You can choose as you like
more than 50
organisations and institutions that are happy to take you on as a student trainee or intern
universities where you can collect your international experience as part of your studies
fields of study that allow students to focus their studies on a specific area (optional): social science reflection on environmental issues, Civics and politics, Urban, rural, landscape, Ecological economics
the "greenest" place in the Czech Republic: organizations such as Hnutí DUHA, Frank Bold (Ekologický právní servis), Nesehnutí, Lipka, Veronica, NaZemi, Nadace Partnerství and others are based here
How you will get on in practice with this course
The MSc in Environmental Studies prepares students to work in a wide range of professions related to nature, landscape and the environment.
The success rate of our graduates in finding a job after school is 95%. This is due to the extensive interdisciplinary knowledge, ability to think in context, practical skills acquired in our courses and experience from work experience and internships.
Among our graduates you will find public administration officials, staff of Czech and foreign NGOs, entrepreneurs, politicians, journalists, ecopedagogues, freelance experts, academics, organic farmers and protected area staff.
What our alumni say about us
“Graduation in this field will enable a better and more objective understanding of the environmental context of life in today's world.”
Michal Bittner
Scientist, ecotoxicologist at RECETOX Centre, Masaryk University
“In the Department of Environmental Studies, I had the opportunity to study a field that really interested me and developed my ability to think systemically and comprehensively.”
Blanka Machová
Project manager in the consulting department, founder and managing director of a packaging-free grocery and drugstore
“In retrospect, what I appreciate most from my studies is the friendly attitude of the teachers and the safe and inspiring environment they were able to create in class, on field trips, and at extracurricular events. Enviro, and by extension the entire FSS, showed me that higher education can be meaningful and fulfilling.”
Tereza Navrátilová
Lecturer in the Lipka organisation, Assistant to the Secretariat of the MU Language Education Centre
“My Erasmus+ trips and getting to know how other European universities work have been crucial for me. I would advise current students to definitely go on a study abroad or internship during their studies. I'm glad that my studies have equipped me with the proper education that allows me to prepare projects in a way that makes sense from a conservation and climate protection point of view.”
Lukáš Kala
Head of the Department of International Relations and Internationalization at MENDELU, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Environmental Science and Natural Resources at MENDELU
“Environmental studies give students both an excellent general overview in a unique combination of humanities and science subjects, but also the opportunity to get involved in interesting projects during their studies and to start collaborating with potential future employers.”
Michal Medek
Odborný pracovník na KES
“During your studies you will meet a lot of great people who care about the fate of our shared home and you will have the opportunity to get to know the workings of the environmental movement.”
Adam Bílek
Analyst at JIC
“I can definitely recommend studying environmental studies. For me, it formed a very attractive "bridge" between natural and social sciences, and it was able to explain to me, in technical terms, many natural and social phenomena that I had previously thought about only in layman's terms. I perceive my studies at the department and especially the approach of most of the teachers as very open, fair and at the same time healthy self/critical."
Michal Šimoník
"The most helpful for my practice was the first year of the Eco Incubator project I participated in, which my then team of students and I won with a business plan for a company offering carsharing. And although we didn't end up setting up the company, I stuck with the theme and years later we managed to build a growing company out of the originally civic association Autonapůl.”
Director of the First Czech Car Sharing Autonapůl, cooperative
A few photos from the lessons
Co nabízí náš Mgr. obor těm, kteří u nás absolvovali Bc. studium?
- Nový pohled na environmentální studia z perspektivy dalších oborů, např. hospodaření v krajině, estetiky, ekopsychologie, environmentální sociologie, komunikace s veřejností ad.
- Hlubší vhled do oborů, které se objevily v bakalářském studiu, např. etika, ekologická ekonomie, historie, metodologie ad.
- Čtyři zaměření, z nichž tři rozvíjí zaměření bakalářského studia a jedno nabízí studium další oblasti environmentálních studií ( Město, venkov, krajina ).
- Řadu kurzů se zahraničními vyučujícími, např. Dominikou Dzwonkowskou (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw), Danem Keechem (University of Gloucestershire ), Timem Crabtreem ( Schumacher College ) a Simonou Getovou (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona).
- Větší prostor pro diskusi v menších skupinách, prostor pro zkoušení nových věcí a týmovou spolupráci.
- Užší kontakt s vyučujícími a možnost spolupráce na výzkumných projektech katedry.
- Příprava na odborně kvalifikované pracovní pozice, které předpokládají širší rozhled v environmentální problematice.
Přijímací řízení do magisterského studia je otevřené všem, kteří vystudovali jakékoliv bakalářské či magisterské studium (podmínkou tedy není absolvování bakalářského stupně environmentálních studií). Pro účast v přijímačkách stačí podat on-line přihlášku.
Termín přijímací zkoušky v jarním semestru 2024 bude upřesněn. Přijímací zkouška tvoří písemný test. Formou multiple choice a otevřených otázek ověří základní znalosti o společenských a přírodovědných aspektech environmentální tématiky, všeobecný rozhled a orientaci v doporučené literatuře k přijímací zkoušce. Zároveň testuje schopnost porozumět společensko-vědně orientovanému textu a úroveň studijních předpokladů uchazeče. Bez přijímací zkoušky může být přijat uchazeč, který absolvoval bakalářský program Environmentální studia a u státní závěrečné zkoušky dosáhl průměru do 1,5 včetně (podle zásad ECTS do hodnocení "B" včetně). U dvouoborového/sdruženého studia se do celkového průměru započítává i hodnocení ze státní závěrečné zkoušky na druhém oboru/vedlejšího studijního plánu.
Kritéria hodnocení
Maximální možný počet dosažených bodů u přijímací zkoušky činí 100 bodů, pro úspěšné složení přijímací zkoušky je nutné získat alespoň 60 bodů.
Doporučená literatura
STORCH, D., MIHULKA, S. Úvod do současné ekologie. Praha: Portál, 2000. ISBN 80-7178-462-1.;
KOHÁK, E. Zelená svatozář – kapitoly z ekologické etiky. Praha : Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON), 2006. ISBN 80-85850-86-9;
LIBROVÁ, H. Vlažní a váhaví : Kapitoly o ekologickém luxusu. Brno : Doplněk, 2003. ISBN: 80-7239-149-6;
DOLNÝ a kol.: Moderní trendy v ochraně přírody a krajiny. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakulta. 2004. Dostupné z: https://humenv.fss.muni.cz/media/3127288/skripta_moderni_trendy.pdf