Environmental studies is the study of what happens between humans and their environment. We are fascinated by how nature and the landscape affect the life of society and also how people imprint themselves on their environment. We then look closely at how humans are affecting nature, landscape and the environment today, at the beginning of the 21st century: what are the impacts of human activity on the natural world, what are the roots of the current situation and what can we each do to make society more environmentally sustainable.
In the space between humans and the natural world, a wide range of diverse topics are open to you as our students. In our department, you will therefore meet experts who deal with the human-nature connection from the perspectives of sociology, economics, psychology, politics, history, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, as well as the natural sciences. In our work, we seek to link scientific research with insights from practice and an understanding of environmental history with perspectives on the future. We collaborate locally, nationally and internationally with a range of partner organisations, from Lipka to the Ministry of the Environment and the Rainbow Movement to Schumacher College.
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